Tuesday 11 October 2016

Group Work

Referencing (intertextuality); - Eunice 
Iggy Azalea's Fancy has intertextual references because it refers to the 1995 film, Clueless. Iggy Azalea Gained a worldwide recognition because it was a pastiche to the film. A pastiche is a respectful mimic of a particular artist, style or director that is copied without being made to mimic/mock. The reason this was done was to promote the film Clueless as the music video was old school and had the same exact scenes as what was in the film. At 0:41, this scene is a replica as what was filmed. Instead of there being three girls, there is the main artist, Iggy and the artist that features in the song, Charlie XCX with two other actors which are boys. The two artists are playing characters in this music video to take the attention off them as well as gain recognition. 

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