Tuesday 25 October 2016

Assessment 3C

1. How To guide

Lip Syncing -
In this how to guide, i was able to accurately synch the footage to the track, Turn Down For What. In order for me to do this, I had to watch a beat editing video (how to) to ensure I was doing the right thing. I was able to use lip syncing (accurately synching footage to track) at 0:20, 0:25 and 0:29. If the music video includes parts of live performance, the artist would need to mime the lyrics and music to the track so that when the audio was overlaid, they would sync. In my example/edit above, it was created entirely through having 4 different locations, one talent and one of the dancers syncing/miming the lyrics of the song from one location. Lip syncing is used to sell the artists talent
The purpose of lip syncing in this music video is that it is a common convention fro, every genre in music, and it links to the subjects in the music video so we can know (or locate) who the artist is. When a music video is created, one will have to consider what subject is miming or lip syncing the lyrics.

Beat Editing -
As for beat editing, I was able to accurately cut shots to the beat of the track. I used certain effects in this music video to make it more attractive and also link to the genre of the song. I used the letter box effect with the aspect ratio of 2:55:1 because using this ratio is suitable for music videos. At some points of the music video I had to use a pan and keyframe them because whilst using the letter box it would crop the top of one of the dancer's face. I also used the broken TV effect every time "Turn down for what" was said to empathise the lyrics and also the mood on the dancer's face. I also used the earthquake and zoom effect at a specific part of the music video, where the  beat started to get stronger. The zoom effect was used every time a beat played. Jump cuts were also used in this because at the beginning it started with a landscape shot but was cut to one of the performers.
At 0:11, I used the earthquake effect and added key frames to give make it more interesting. This is because some viewers (younger viewers) have a short attention span where they will not focus on what is on screen. By using this effect, it will be able to engage viewers.

Class work music video -

Beat Editing -
In this music video, beat editing is very rare because we had a number of short clips where we were unable to cut to the beat. The purpose of beat editing is to use jump cuts in different parts of video clips. It is best to use a video clip with a lot of movement which makes it more effective. But in this music video, the jump cuts were not effective.

Lip Syncing -
Lip syncing is used to sell the artists talent, however I was only able to sync the first part of the music video with the track. This is because it is very difficult to lip sync footage that does not match the track. This was because Daniel did not have enough time to recite the lyrics before filming. If the artist's lips move faster than the track, slow motion can be used to show that the lip syncing can be accurate. I was unaware of this because I had no knowledge of how to do it.
The purpose of lip syncing in music videos is to promote the artist and the music video is an advert for the live show.

Improvements/Conclusion -
If I was to improve this music video, I would use the slow motion effect on the second part of the music video to make it more accurate.

Summer music video -

Lip Syncing -
Lip syncing was used in this music video to let viewers know that there is a performer, if there was no lip syncing, it would have just been a narrative music video without any lip syncing.
In comparison, in my opinion, I think that the Turn Down For What music video edit is better because I was able to learn new techniques, how to cut to the beat and effects to use in music videos. However, in this music video, there is use of lip syncing but is not in as in sync as my most recent edit and does not cut to a beat. If I was to improve this music video, I would use effects such as Letter box (aspect ratio 2:55:1), and accurately sync the clip to the track of the song.


  1. Pass overall
    Merit (lower) Beat edit
    Pass Lip synching

    Add in more explaination of the purposes using your notes from class

    Use heading to separate out the 2 criteria
    Use BOLD to highlight your explanation and terminology

  2. Merit
    Need greater explanation of purpose in relation to Music and Visuals (beat editing) and lyrics and visuals (Lip synching)
