Tuesday 18 October 2016

Assessment 2B(iii)

A parody is a video that mocks the characteristics of an artist, which is used to create a humorous effect. Parody's are used to make videos go viral and to also make the channel go viral. An example of a parody is the Nicki Minaj Anaconda Parody which was filmed by Bart Baker. In this parody, the lyrics are mocking artist Nicki Minaj as they make refers to her 'fake' bum and her dancing on Drake. However, they done this parody in a way which will entertain viewers by doing the exact choreography and the same costumes from the original in the parody. 

Artist they copied:

A homage is used to pay respect to something which influenced them to make the music video. For example, Ingrid Michaelson - Girls Chase Boys. In both music videos, they start out the same but in some way, the complete opposite. This is because in the original music video, it is based on women and in the pastiche music video, it has men dancing as if they are women. This could link to their make up, choreography and clothes.

A pastiche is a respectful mimic of a particular artist, style or director which is copied without being designed to mock. Lady Gaga's Alejandro has snippets of Gaga's interpretation of a march that was used in Madonna's music video. However, Lady Gaga's interpretation of the Vogue music video was more masculine than Madonna's. The masculinity was used in this music video (Alejandro) to show respect to the gay community as Lady Gaga appreciates them. 

Animation can be used in any genre and is also movement created by using a series of pictures or frames, for example cartoons like Daft Punk One More Time. In this five minute music video, it is a animated perfomance of the band, Daft Punk where they are not performing on Earth but in space. This is hyper-reality because animations can be based anywhere because they are illustrations of the artist's point of view or imagination. 

An allusion is when references are used in a music video, such as when it refers to a person, place, an historic event that happened in the past or present, etc. Allusions can be figured out easily or quite difficult to figure out. A wide number of music videos use this, however the example I'm using, Lil Wayne Georgia Bush does not have a music video. Although, this track was used in his documentary: Lil Wayne: Behind The Music. This song is about former president, George Bush, as he is blaming what happened in New Orleans (Hurricane Katrina) on him. This song mocks George Bush in a way, as they refer to him as Georgia Bush, not George Bush. 


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