Friday 15 January 2016

research portfolio - Online platforms for distribution and short film festival entry

there are 7 types of film festivals which are

1. Raindance Film Festival *Oscar qualifying
2. London Short Film Festival• Edinburgh International Film Festival
3.  London Short Film Festival
4. Manchester International Film Festival
5. Encounters International Short Film Festival *Oscar qualifying
6. Leeds International Film Festival
7. Aesthetica Film Festival

Encounters is the UK’s leading short film and animation festival.

The festival discovers, supports and develops new talent in filmmaking, providing a platform for emerging and established filmmakers from around the world, and a unique meeting place for the industry.

Encounters Festival presents one of the world’s leading International Competitions for short film and animation, and is also an official gateway to the world’s most prestigious awards; BAFTAs, European Film Awards and Cartoon d’Or and a qualifying festival for the The Academy Awards®.

Each year the Encounters Festival Grand Prix winners qualify for consideration in the Short Films category of the Annual Academy Awards®.

The 21st Encounters Festival in 2015 presented the annual International Competition showcasing the best new short film from around the world, alongside an intensive 3 day industry programme which featured masterclasses, panel discussions, talks and workshops with leading figures from the film and animation industries.

Connecting industry and audiences, the festival celebrates the creativity, diversity and impact of short film.

So whether you are a filmmaker looking to launch or develop your career, an Industry professional wanting to stay abreast of what’s new or  a film lover wanting to soak up the festival atmosphere by watching great films and special events, come along to the next festival for a truy inspiring week of short film celebration!

In 2015 Encounters Festival celebrated 21 years as the UK’s leading short film and animation festival.

About the Edinburgh International Film Festival

Established in 1947, the Edinburgh International Film Festival is world renowned for discovering and promoting the very best in international cinema - and for heralding and debating changes in global filmmaking. Intimate in its scale, ambitious in its scope, and fuelled by pure passion for cinema in all its manifestations, EIFF seeks to spotlight the most exciting and innovative new film talent, in a setting steeped in history.

The first festival took place in 2011, attracting filmmakers and audiences from locations as diverse as South Africa, New Zealand and the USA. ASFF 2012 built upon the success of the inaugural event with even more films and speakers, and continuing its drive to champion the art of short filmmaking, screened 200 films from 25 countries. ASFF received BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Qualifying status in 2014, screening over 300 films from 40 countries and attracting 18,000 admissions.

ASFF 2015 celebrated the festival’s 5th anniversary with an even bigger programme of films and industry events, totalling over 35 masterclasses and networking sessions. Some of the world’s most acclaimed talents came to York to offer masterclasses, including Channel 4, Ridley Scott Associates, National Theatre, director Tim Pope and editor Robbie Gibbon, together with festival programmers from across the world.

raindance film festival and encounters international short film festival are both Oscar qualifying
with the help of Netflix, i will be able to have my short film presented on Netflix. this is because Netflix stream short films as well as movies.

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