Friday 15 January 2016

research log

Description of research
Purpose of research
the purpose of this piece of research is to find out the details of a certain film (which is the possession) and to find out the rating and reviews of it. 
the purpose of kickstarter is to find out what it does to help people that want to make short films. from this piece of reasearch i have found out that people donate or wish to help fund for their idea to come true.
the pupose of bbc film network is to help give advice of what our/my shot film must be. such as making it short, having good actors, etc. this helped me think of my short film idea as i was intending on having many scenes for a one minute short film.
 the purpose of the bbfc classification is to make me aware of film age ratings, from this piece of research i was able to identify and find out the different age ratings and gave me a age range for my short film.

the purpose of imdb, i was able to find out the budgeting and gross for The Possession. which gave me an idea of what budget i should have, which is £50.

 the purpose of this research is to find out what the Aesthetica Shot Film Festival is about and the history behind it. also how many admissions and screenings they had in 2014.

the purpose of the ecounters film festival  is that from my research, i have found out that winners of the film festival have an easy gateway to the baftas and the eurpoean film festival, etc
the purpose of the Edinburgh film festival is to tell people what they do and from my research i have found out that they have a long list of notable films from the past years. the purpose of this is to find out if my short film can qualify into the film festival. 

1 comment:

  1. Unit 2.1 Research
    M1 You have be able to select and review relevant information from a variety of sources such as articles, webpages and videos and some handouts. Your portfolio and log are focused on the purpose of the research and record sources, and some of your annotations summarise the information with some precision and accuracy in how they underpin your film proposal.
