Tuesday 19 January 2016

Draft proposal (Spell Checked)

The purpose of this report is to get pitch and sell the idea to producers to get my chosen short film made. From the research I have collected, I have come to a conclusion that there is a wider audience of women that tend to enjoy horrors and thrillers. This is due to the fact that men enjoy action movies such as avengers and batman. Women like horrors and thrillers more than men because they like the adrenaline rush that is given from the films they watch. The one film that influenced me to make my desired short film is The Possession (2012). This film is a supernatural horror film and has been rated 5.9/10 on IMDb which is quite a good rating, as it has been based on a true story,. For my budget, I have picked a cost which will be between £50. This is because I will have tom pay for the food for my cast and crew, props costume and also transportation. With this amount of money I will have money have left over because I am not planning on spending a lot of money on food.

Shot Film Synopsis
A girl and her friends find a weird looking box at a bus stop (or high street), they then open it and each eat a sweet and something bad happens to them.
Twist: they all become possessed
Hook: the hook will be the box and what is inside of it

My idea was influenced by The Possession as the girl becomes possessed and attached by the box and the group of friends in my shot film will be possessed by the sweets in the box.

Film Rating
From reviewing the BBFC guidelines, I have come to a conclusion of rating my short film as a 12 or 12A this is because my short film is a horror and will scare younger audiences. This is to make sure no one under the age of 12 is allowed to watch my short film or any film. If the short film is 12A then the younger audience would have to be accompanied by an adult. It may possibly be a 12A because the BBFC may not know whether to rate a 15 or 12.

Primary Research
The age range is from around 16-25 as most of the comments are either jokes or reviews; and the gender is mainly males, I know this because I have looked at the names and profile pictures. 

With the research I have collected, I have identified that The Black Hole | Future Shorts is the most popular existing horror/thriller short film as it has an outstanding 19,601,317 views, and 110,919 likes. From looking at the comments section, with my own knowledge, I have estimated the age range of people that have watched this short film, which is 16-25.

Summary of Research
In conclusion, my summary is that my initial and final idea of my short film will be from the dim the possession as it will make the audience jump many times form the jump scares. Another reason is that it will appeal to my target audience, which will be thriller/horror lovers at the age of 16-25.

Unique Selling Point
I am very confident that my short film will be successful as it is targeted at my desired audience, which is horror and thriller viewers, there is a wide number of people that watch this genre of films as I have researched the overall rating of the film, and how much it sold. Overall, the possession made $85,446,075 worldwide.

The budget breakdown for my short film will be the following
£15 for transportation
£10 for props
£15 for food
£10 for make up

I will be able to borrow a camera and equipment from the school’s media department so I will not have to pay to buy a camera of my own. I will not need to pay to hire an editing suite too due to the fact that there is a mac editing suite in the school that I can use for free

Regulation & Certification
The BBFC regulate movies that will be either shown in cinemas or put onto DVD’s. The BBFC will not regulate my short film as it does not meet the regulations, which are; if it will be shown in the cinema or put on to DVD. My short film will be put into the short film festival and YouTube, and BBFC do not regulate films that enter film festivals. If the BBFC was to regulate and certify my short film, it will be 12A.


The location for my short film will be based in a bedroom as I have decided that my short film will only have one scene. 


My short film will be distributed onto the film festivals such as Raindance Film Festival and London Short Film Festival. My short film will also be able to be shown on Netflix, because they regulate short films.



  1. Pass
    To improve you must explain with specific reference to research you gathered - this is incomplete, USP is not clear and waffles around telling what it is, no trends, no real life articles or social commentary, no distribution explanation other than where but not why. No funding.
    This report must SELL the idea and convince there is a market - why festivals?.. The idea needs more detail also

    For M2 you must:
    present a structured and detailed media production report which conveys information and explains conclusions with clarity

    "For my budget, i have picked a cost which will be between £50. This is because iwill haev tom pay for the food for my cast and crew, props costume and also transportation. with this amount of money i will have money have left over because i a, not planning on spending alot of money on food. " - this should not be in your intro

  2. Unit2.3 corrections and review
    Highlight the grammar and spelling corrections to secure
    M3 work will have been reviewed and revised using both a grammar and spell checker as well as being individually proof-read. As a result, spelling errors will have been corrected and only minor errors will remain. Work will occasionally contain punctuation and grammatical errors where learners have failed to adequately review their work.
