Tuesday 20 September 2016

Self Produced

Tay Zonday


Tay Zonday was an unknown self produced artist that went viral because of this music video. Because of this music video, which is a performance interpretation because he is performing, singing to the mic and also playing the keyboard in another shot.

Budget and production value

This music video is very low budget because as Tay Zonday is a self produced artist, he does not need a budget for this music video as the camera, equpiment, microphone, keyboard, etc are all his. He is not wearing any desiger clothes which means he is not being paid by a company to promote their clothes. 

Synergy and Product Placement

It can be shown or said that Tay Zonday is promoting Yahama because he films himself playing the keyboard for several seconds, but it does not mean Yahama paid him to show the keyboard. 

Audience they are appealing to (size and types)

Tay Zonday did not expect to appeal to a wide audience, as his music video went viral and attracted a wide range of people aged from 10-50 years 

Strategy used to get attention or to promote
The strategy Tay Zonday may have used to promote this music video was by telling his friends, promoting it on Twitter or Facebook. 

Monetisation of outlets

This music video has 110,175,005 views. However, Tay Zonday would keep 100% of earnings because he is self produced, which means he had a revenue of $220,350.01.

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