Tuesday 20 September 2016




The image of Rihanna is what we buy into, because it emphasises the artist. In this music video Rihanna is portrayed as a debt collector, where she is shown as powerful and dominant. She kidnaps and murders the person that owes her money's wife. This music video is based on a true story because ion 2009, Rihanna had financial problems which might of caused her to make a music video about it a few years later.
She always has to change her image from time to time so that she is up to or ahead of the fashion because she is a trendsetter. In this music video Rihanna changes her outfits multiple times because of the mise en scene and also the different days. 

Budget and production value
This music video is a high budget production because firstly, it is in the $500K + category and because of the number of locations that are used, in the first scene of the music video it is in a expensive hotel/apartment, an abandoned warehouse/barn, a boat, petrol station, pool house and garden. A lot of props were used in this video, such as a wide variety of knives. Two of the knives are named after the song, "BBHMM", which is what she used to murder the accountant and his wife. Also, the costume and make up makes it high budget because Rihanna and her henchmen are
wearing designer clothes in the videos, such as Tom Ford, Margiela, Dior, Marc Jacobs, etc. They have a total of 11 different outfit changes in this video.

Synergy and Product Placement

Rihanna is seen wearing Adam Selman creations multiple times in this video. This may mean that she was paid by Adam Selman himself to promote his clothing line in this music video for selling purposes. 

Audience they are appealing to (size and types)
Rihanna's music videos appeal to genreally young females, and somewhat males (teenagers) because she is a fashion icon and an idol to many. 

Strategy used to get attention or to promote
The strategy Rihanna uses to get attention or promote her videos is by using different platforms such as Instagram and Twitter to let her followers know a new video is out. 

Monetisation of outlets
This music video has 95,915,533 views. The production company, Roc Nation (Founded by Jay-Z), would get $191,831.06 and Rihanna would just get 10% of the earnings and the record label would get 90% because they funded the song.

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