Tuesday 13 September 2016

Prep Work 12.09.2016

Prep Work:
Research an exemplar case study of an Artists image by a major or indie artist


Rihanna is a fashion icon and an idol to many. Due to her good looks and great fashion sense she gains a wide range of attention from fans and other celebrities. Apart from earning money from tours, albums, etc. she has a partnership with Puma, and River Island, where clothes she designed are sold from there. She always has to change her image from time to time so that she is up to or ahead of the fashion because she is a trendsetter. However, some celebrities create a fake representation of who we want to identify them by. In this case, Rihanna decided to use her middle name as her stage name. She does not hide the fact that her real name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty because she designed Puma slippers called 'Fenty', which is her last name. The image of Rihanna is what we buy into, because it emphasises the artist. 

Bon Iver


Bon Iver's Justin Vernon broke up with the band, and started to write songs from his father's cabin in Wisconsin. His image did not change for his viewers or fans as he kept it simple. He uploaded his songs onto MySpace and printed over 500 CD copies for family, friends, etc. Vernon says that the internet played a significant role in his fame and finding a record label because he had an online fanbase where he uploaded songs. He had a 'modest beginning' as he started his solo career broken and emotional. 

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