Tuesday 7 February 2017

Task 3B

What is the theme of this suite of ident?
The theme of this suite of ident is seasonal/Christmas. The reason as to why I have decided to title this for this suite of idents because it fits with the suite, as idents are meant to have the same personality. As this is the theme for BBC Three, they can easily change the theme to give it a new personality because as time progresses or changes, there is always a new trend so they must keep up with new events, as this is an opportunity for them to re-brand their channel. The first ident is a Family Guy Christmas ident, with one of the main characters Stewie featuring in it. The second is a scheduling christmas ident with lights and shapes. The third is also a scheduling christmas ident with lights, and moving blocks, like a rubix cube. The last one is a pretty basic ident with a sting and gold lights).

How and or why does the theme appeal to the viewers? (for example, creating a particular tone to target a particular audience type)
This theme appeals to the viewers because of its suitability; the reason for this is that the suite of idents are for a specific season which is Christmas, and is only shown during November-December. This lets other channels and the audience know that the channel is up to date with the latest trend, as it gives the audience a warm feeling and satisfied with the channel.

How have they used the same theme in different ways to create Brand Loyalty?
They have used the same theme to create brand loyalty by firstly creating the idents to suit the season, Christmas. Another reason is that in one of the idents, BBC Three used one of their channel's most popular show, Family Guy, one of their main characters in the ident. By having this, this creates brand loyalty because it keeps their audience engaged.

Explain whether, how and why the idents are information-led or entertainment led
These idents are entertainment led because idents are all about the image, as they are very focused on how the channel is presented because they are used to regulate the channel. In my opinion, I think that this ident is more suitable for the channel because they are short and entertaining. Another reason is that it is interactive, as it lets the audience feel more festive.

Are the idents intended to be used at a particular time of day?
In my opinion, I think that the idents in my examples are not intended to be used at a particular time of day. But however, when BBC Three used to be broadcasted on television, the programmes used to start at a specific time, which was 7pm, and finished at 3am. So they use the idents to fill airtime, and to also schedule the next programmes which will be aired.

Are the idents intended to be used at a particular time of year?
I think that these idents are used at a particular time of year, because they are seasonal idents which are used in the Christmas period. It is used to get people into the festive spirit, from the idents that are shown. These christmas idents are used at a particular time of year because the Christmas idents are used to create excitement for the audience as they count down to Christmas.

What does the suite convey about the channel's Brand Identity - what meaning?

Assess - How effective the design of the suite is
The design of the suite of idents are very effective, this is for a number of reasons such as because of the typography, pace, density of information and the brand identity. The effect this has on the audience is that it keeps them engaged because of the little of information that is shown on screen. The reason for this is because people that watch TV, have a short attention span, so by having a small density on an ident, it keeps them engaged. It is effective because the typography is very cartoon-like, which can attract a vast amount of people like their target audience which is 16-34 year olds because it creates a humourous effect.

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