Saturday 4 February 2017

Improvements to make

2b - limited discussion as to why these are opportunities

Branding of content -
an opportunity of this is that it allows television channels to package and re-package (re-brand and branding) the channel for certain events, for example on BBC1, the voice & the Olympics, Channel 5c, Big brother. The can brand the channel by promoting the program by having a series of idents.

2a - how to male viewers react to the colour pink, also how it relates to communicating visual ideas to a non visual audience and appealing to them also.

Male viewers would react quite negatively to the colour pink as it is a feminine colour. However the colour pink is the colour scheme for BBC Three. BBC have separated the difference to their channels by having a colour scheme. BBC is red, BBC two is blue, BBC three is pink and BBC four is purple.

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