Tuesday 8 November 2016

Assessment 3C - How To Guide - Camera Angles and Camera Movements


A tilt is a camera movement where the camera points up or down from a still object. In order to successfully achieve this is by using either a tripod or steady cam to slowly pan the camera up and down to create the tilt. An example of this is in Section Boyz's music video, #WORST. In this music video, at 2:15, the tilt is used to show the object, which in this case, is one of the artists in the group. It is used to let the audience know which member of the group is performing. 


An arc is a camera movement where the camera operator (or director of photography) will have to move around the artist or subject, and to also show something supernatural is happening or something is spiralling our of control. This is also like a tracking shot because it follows the artist around in a circle. In this music video, Liar Liar Remix by MoStack, Krept, Konan and J Hus, there are a number of shots where arcs are used. This is used to indicate the importance of the artist, somewhat like everything revolves around them. Them being the most important person. 

Track Away

A track away is a camera movement where the camera is moved away from the artist, as they walk towards the camera. This is used to show intimidation and the location of where the music video was shot. In order to use a track away, the DOP will have to move backwards slow or fast (depending on the pace of the song) whilst the artist moves forward looking powerful. An example of this is BT X Rendo X V.I Pm to the AM. At 0:18 to 0:40, track away's are used very frequently, and are popular in this music genre to show viewers that the artists are powerful and dominant. 

Dolly In

A dolly in is a camera movement where the camera is placed on a dolly and whilst moving, records the shots. They are used to create dramatic effects. In order to use the dolly in effectively, you will have to place the camera on a dolly to track the subject or artist whilst they move along. Dolly's are most used in the hip hop genre of music because of high production costs. An example of this is Drake Started From The Bottom at 3:33. 

Low Angle

Low angles are used in music videos to show the artist is dominant, strong and powerful to the audience. In order to the low angle shot to be used, the camera will have to be at a low level with the lens facing up to the artist or subject to make them look bigger than they actually are to give it the dominant and powerful look. An example of this is Young M.A "OOOUUU" at 2:12. 

High Angle

High angles are used in music videos to show the artist is insignificant or vulnerable. This angle is popular in the Hip Hop genre because they consist of high angles. In order to use the high angle in videos, the camera operator will have to film from a high platform, such as a second floor flat to make sure the artist looks scared, vulnerable or weak. An example of this is Rich As F**k by Lil Wayne and 2 Chainz. We can see at 1:04, the high angle has been used.

Canted on Dutch Angle

A canted on Dutch Angle is a camera shot where the camera is tilted to one side or set at an angle and can move either side. Canted angles are used to show that the artist is distressed and also to show the artist is unstable. This angle heavily links with this example because the music video is about people in asylums. An example of this is The Game Martian VS Goblins at 0:59. 

Crash Zoom

 A crash zoom is used to show claustrophobia or the shot is getting smaller to show claustrophobia.In order for the crash zoom to be effective, the zoom will have to be in sync with whatever is happening, for example, a reaction, it will have to be fast in order for it to be an effect. An example of this is Maleek Berry Kontrol at 0:56. Crash zooms are normally used to show a character's reaction; just like the example above. 

Birds Eye View

Birds eye view are used in music videos where the shot is elevated from above. 
An example of a birds eye view is IQ ft Tee Da Supreme Try Them, at the beginning of the music video, a drone is used to create the birds eye view effect of what is below; such as the area in South East London, Turnham. 


Handheld cameras are used to show the character is distressed and to give it a gritty and amateur look. Also, to show unstability and give it a edgy and dynamic look. In order to use this effect you will have to use a VHS camera to record it. However, equipment such as tripods and steady cams cannot be used with this effect because it will not give the full POV, location and instability. An example of this is Ty Dolla $ign Blase. 


In comparison with my summer music video, I think that my group only achieved three types of camera angles and movements which were tilt, track away and low angles. However, the most common camera movement used in this music video was the track away because the music video consists of the camera moving away from the artist to make them look more powerful, fearless and dominant. Low angles were used in the music video to bring the audience to the artists level and to also show that the artist is aspirational. Tracks to music videos are agressive so it makes music videos look lively and dynamic. If we had more knowledge of camera movements and angles, I feel that we would have made a better music video which covered the conventions of movements and angles. 

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