Tuesday 15 November 2016

Assessment 3B

Bad example of green screen

Kanye West's Bound 2 music video is one of many bad examples of green screen. However, this is related to visualising the track because of its majestic, western, masculine location. This builds an image for the artist because firstly, it plays up to their roles and reinforces their image. The artist, Kanye West is so arrogant by using bad effects because he is 'always right'. Green screens limits creativity and this music video became viral because of the bad use of the green screens, as the visuals do not relate to the track whatsoever. This music video is unrealistic because in this day and age we do not see a man and his wife having sex on a motorbike in the wild west. 

Another example of bad use of chroma-key/green screen is Ace of Base Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry. In this music video, the visuals did not pan out. This meant that the members would gaze off the screen with crouched shoulders. The director and editor used the green screen for the sake of it because the visuals do not match the track. At 3:11 one of the members of the group sings 'I'm never gonna say I'm sorry, I'm a clown for everyone' this does not match the visuals because with the use of green screen, her character gradually becomes small going in to a TV from the chroma-key. 

Successful uses of Green Screen/Chroma-Key
Chroma-key is used in music videos to show the meaning behind the song. It can also make it possible to create footage and effects that wouldn’t normally be possible without an extensive amount of travel or costly set design. One successful use of green screen is E.T by Katy Perry featuring Kanye West. Green screen has been used so much as a convention, that they now receive their own separate award (MTV). This music video is very successful because it looks realistic as it makes it aspirational. And also because it is impossible to shoot a music video in space so by using chroma-key, it makes it very easy to use this technique/FX.

Argument - are music videos more over-reliant on special effects?
In my opinion, I think that music videos are more over-reliant on special effects because they have developed drastically overtime, for example, 'Negasonic Teenage Warhead by Monster Magnet'. Green screen here was used just for visuals, and had no lyrical interpretations which related to the track. However, as the years have gone by, directors have become more aware(and or alert) to the fact that to use chroma-key, it must relate to the track, like E.T. (by Katy Perry). In this music video, there are a number of different dimensons, which relate to E.T, and her character symbolises a fallen angel which reflects the lyrics. In this case, this music video had no other option but to use a green screen because they would not be able to pull this off without any special effects, as green screens are used to make it more creative by putting artists in different locations (such as space, and the afterworld). E.T is a great example as for why music videos are more reliant on special effects. Lastly, another reason is that more directors or filmmakers are becoming more noticed for their creations of special effects where they can also earn awards. 

Chroma-Key Task (Individual Video)

In order for to successfully have a good-looking background for the green screen, you will have to set your lights up so that there are no hotspots that could ruin the shot. Once you have finished setting up the lights and shooting, you can finally edit the footage.

In order to get a black background, you must use the effects bar in Final Cut Pro and search for 'Keyer'. This will make your green screen become black but your object/subject will remain the same. 

When this is done, you can pick whatever stock footage or background of your choice and overlap it under your footage in the timeline on Final Cut. As my background is of flowers, I put it underneath my green screen clips. 

My stock footage is from shutterstock, but you can find any types of stock footage background from youtube or any other stock websites. 

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