Thursday 17 December 2015

link to video guide

1 comment:

  1. P1, M1, D1
    D You have contributed towards the production of a practical portfolio of examples of editing techniques that have been annotated to explain how these techniques and conventions developed from early filmmakers and their purpose in contemporary examples. (Merit)
    Your timeline explains developments in film editing referring to specific examples of films and filmmakers across the Early and Modern periods and there is confident discussion of how one stage led on to the other within the context of the principles of in camera editing, continuity, soviet montage, new wave discontinuity, and the stylistic purpose of alternative editing techniques in contemporary independent cinema. (Merit/D)
    Video Guide Portfolio section uses specific examples of alternative and mainstream techniques to partly explain the purpose. The videos sometimes don’t match or fully analyse the use of the techniques in the clips. Conclusion compares purposes and principles of early, modern with contemporary. There is some sense of argument that style verses meaning (Distinction)
    P2 M2 D2 P Most steps have been followed to a standard approaching professional practice within a realistic time constraint. Bins done, Shots Logged most good or bad and most types and rushes have been reviewed. There is no EDL (M) An editor’s log discusses understanding of bins and logging, but not reviewing rushes or EDL.
    P3 M3 D3 NYA No video submitted
