Friday 6 November 2015

Technical Analysis 3 - The Rattler

The Rattler is a short horror film that has a number of events that occur during the 5 minute clip.

Narrative & Format
This short film is edited in a linear way to show the events that happen in this short film to

Genre Conventions are key in this short film as the costumes in this film are the main focus. Also, props are important because

As you can see in this screenshot, there are a range of props such as, the wine glass, art pad, and computer. These are all important in the film because they all have key roles. The computer is the most important prop of them all because the majority of the action takes place on it.
In this screenshot it shows that there is an incoming video call from a unknown caller. This gives suspense to the audience and character as we do not know who is calling at that moment of time.


Naturalistic lighting is the only lighting that is used in this short film because this is filmed in a house where there are different types of lighting due to which room the character is in. In this screenshot it shows that there is a bright light that is from her computer screen. Naturalistic lighting makes it more realistic.This is clearly low-key lighting by the computer and the lighting changes.


This screenshot is a close up as it shows a handle. This handle is important because the 'Rattler' is trying to get into the house. This creates fear as the character is scared for her life.
 This is also a close up as it shows the broken door knob and the character's feet. This also creates fear because the Rattler is behind the door she is trapped behind.
Finally, this is also a close-up as we get to see the Rattler's face through a small hole. This creates terror and fright because the camera switches from the lady to the hole quickly which makes people jump.


There are mainly diegetic sounds as the majority of the sounds both audience and characters can hear.


  1. NYA
    "Naturalistic lighting makes it more realistic." - this is clearly low key by the computer and the lighting changes,

    Only MES discussed, no editing or sound or camera
    You must discuss the use of narrative and format here also - why is it edited in a linear or nonlinear way, is it open or closed ended etc...

  2. NYA
    No editing - despite the header, there is no reference to:
    1) Pace of the cuts
    2) Organisation of shots together to build the sequence/drama
    3) Continuity
    Sound is minimal
    WT Pass/Merit
