Monday 16 November 2015

Parrell Editing and Point of view

Portfolio of Editing Techniques - with annotations on how, why it is used and when it was developed/by whom. 

Parallel editing - Parallel editing is also known as cross cutting. This is where two or more scenes occur at the same time but are in different locations. Parallel editing is used to create mystery and suspense, narrative and pace. This was developed by Edwin S. Porter; he first used parallel editing in The Great Train Robbery in 1903.

It is usually established by being positioned between a shot of a character looking at something, and a shot showing the character's reaction. It is used to show what a character is seeing. Alfred Hitchcock used most of the POV shot in his 1954 film, Rear Window. In Rear Window, it is shown that POV Shot is used to show what the character is looking at, (as you can see the character is looking outside and the houses opposite them.)

1 comment:

  1. NYA - there is no timeline here for Early Cinema which is Task 1 of your assignment
    The prep is complete and correct
