Thursday 15 October 2015

Single Camera Techniques Blog Report - week 2

Close up - close ups were used in this webisode to add importance. e.g who is calling the phone to let viewers know who is calling the phone. An advantage of using a close up is to show emotion and importance. 
We used this shot in our webisode to show or add importance to the phone and the person calling it (in this case, is her mum).

Shot reverse shot - this is used to show the back of one character then shown from the front. this is used when people are having conversations. An advantage is to make viewers think that the character is looking at a certain objects, but the viewers cannot see it.
We used this shot in our webisode to show that two characters are having a conversation.
 Mid shot - this is used to highlight a character, in this case, the character walking into the room and the camera is filming the character from waist upwards. An advantage of using a mid shot is to show the character in more detail as she walks into the room. We didn't use this shot because we didn't need to establish any character.
Over the shoulder shot - this shot is used to show two characters having a conversation, one of the characters faces are shown to show facial expressions and the other character's face is not shown due to the camera filming them from the back. An advantage of using a over the shoulder shot is that it sets the position for two character. We used this shot to get a different angle of the two characters.
 High angle shot - the camera is tilted from a high angle top show that the character is smaller and intimidating. An advantage of using this shot is to make the character vulnerable. We used this shot to make the character look weak and vulnerable.
Wide shot - this is used to give away a certain location, as it also shows relationship between both characters. In this case, it shows a character walking out of a door; this shows the location or object. An advantage of using this shot is to give viewers a sight of the location. We used this to establish our shots.

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