Wednesday 14 October 2015

SCT Practical - 180 Degree Rule, Master Shot, Shot Reverse Shot, Rule of 3rd

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180 degree rule - the 180 degree rule is a rule that states the camera must not be moved more than 180 degrees from its position. The rule also states that the camera should always stay on the same side of the line of action. The purpose of the rule is to keep continuity in a single camera production. The 180 degree rule helps to understand where everything in the scene is. The disadvantage of using the 180 degree rule is that it is very easy for the rule to be broken. And once the rule is broken, it effects the continuity of the production.

The rule of third - The rule of third is when you align the subject inside a grid of nine lines in order to center the subject. Subjects are often in line with the vertical lines whereas the horizontal lines are used for the background. The rule of third gives enough headroom for a shot, this will make sure that the shot is balanced.

Match on action - A match on action occurs when the editor cuts from one shot to another that is the same as the first shot. An example is a man walking through the door (one shot is on the man walking towards the open door, and another shot is of him walking inside).

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