Tuesday 28 March 2017

Task 1b

100 Word Explanation 

Contractual Brief
A contractual brief is a signed agreement between the client and the production team. If any of the agreements on the brief is broken or breached, the client can seek legal action, which can sue the company and give them a bad name. This brief is used when the client has specific requirements which must be followed. 

Negotiated Brief
A negotiated brief is where two production companies, for example the client and the production company, they have different ideas, and a compromise has to be found to make both teams happy. This brief is used when there is a segment in the brief where both companies do not agree on. 

Formal Brief
A formal brief is used when confirmation or information is documented. This brief is used when a brief has certain information needs to be formally read. 

Informal Brief
A informal brief is a verbal settlement, which has to be done together with the client and production team. This means that when the brief is set, it will have to be discussed over the phone or face to face so that everything can be discussed about the desired project. This brief does not need a contract but has to appeal to the client, so that it can create less complications. 

Commission Brief
A commission brief is where a major company hires an independent company to make a product for them, an example of this is an advert.  

Tender Brief
A tender brief is where production companies put a brief together which elements, for example a proposal and budget for a possible client. This will allow the client to look at all of the tender brief and choose the best one that suits them. This brief is used when a company wants a client to produce something for them. 

Co-operative Brief
A co-operative brief is where two or more production companies are hired by a client to work towards the brief made by them. This is used so that both production companies can work together to complete the desired product. 

Competition Brief
A competition brief is where two or more production companies would either compete to have the brief, which would require competition to take place. This is used when a client needs to find a production company that best fits the brief's specification. 

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