Tuesday 12 April 2016

Short Film Feedback for Crit

Eunice Gardiner
16.3: M/P editing generally has flow and some techniques like cross cutting. It has one jump cut at the start which breaks the flow – she moves location/and her conversation jumps. Issues with pacing here it is far too conversational and tedious and not tense indulging dialogue and ruining the actual drama – this has no place in the film really and should be done away with. The structure is clear and does has a disruption but not middle or end– there is no twist apparent or shock factor. The footage filmed is incomplete to allow you to be very creative or imaginative or maintain a sense of genre that fits the mood. Sound shows some attempt to work with images with the track but there are clear issues in the mix with the plane overhead and a girls voice over the last scene.

22.3: M Some variety of shots and some examples of framing that use rule of thirds and depth. Some controlled use of low key lighting but uses available sources for some effect. Establishing shot used and some close ups for suspense, mystery or convention. Overall although the shots are steady and have some strengths in use of variety of angles etc there are not enough set ups used to give fluency and consistency to the whole sequence – the shoot is basically incomplete to tell the story or the twist effectively. You could have used non linear editing to show some of this as flashbacks. You production skills lighting, shooting etc are proficient hence Merit but the short film is under produced to be effective in the editing to make the mood or story effective/clear.

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