Monday, 5 December 2016


Assessment 1

  1. Add more examples of videos to elaborate on
  2. Use of terminology in bold
  3. Use of punctuation

Assessment 2

  1. Use of terminology in bold
  2. Need greater explanation of purpose in relation to Music and Visuals (beat editing) and lyrics and visuals (Lip synching)
  3. Relate to examples

Assessment 3

  1. High angle, why would Lil Wayne use it (explain)
  2. Why canted angles are used
  3. More specific about the success of the summer music video. 

Assessment 4

  1. Use of terminology in bold
  2. Relate to more examples
  3. Relate to notes

Assessment 5

  1. Elaborate more about intertextual refrences 
  2. Explain how your idea will enhance the image of your artist
  3. Justify how it is 'on-trend' to the genre